
Welcome to the Kentucky Wireless Interoperability Executive Committee's website hosted by the Commonwealth Office of Technology. The Commonwealth of Kentucky recognizes the importance of voice and data communications interoperability for public safety agencies at all levels of government. Several events in recent history require us to work cooperatively to improve public safety communications. First-responders need to be able to communicate with each other so that no life is lost because public safety personnel cannot communicate with one another.


This website is an important step in the Commonwealth's journey to raise awareness of public safety and government officials about wireless interoperability issues. In this endeavor, it is imperative for the Commonwealth to develop a shared vision of a seamless, coordinated and integrated public safety communications network. Your willingness, participation, and commitment to work across organizations and to discuss interoperability challenges among local, state, and federal public safety organizations is critical to the Commonwealth's success.


The Kentucky Wireless Interoperability Executive Committee was created to address communications interoperability, a homeland security issue, which is critical to the ability of public safety first responders to communicate with each other by radio. The committee advises and makes recommendations regarding strategic wireless initiatives to achieve public safety voice and data communications interoperability.


Executive Committee Meetings

The next KWIEC meeting will be officially announced no later than 30 days in advance.  If you have any questions, please contact KWIEC@ky.gov.


Commonwealth of Kentucky Field Operations Guide (FOG)​​

Statewide Communication Interoperability Plan (SCIP)

National Interoperability Field Operations Guide

Mutual Aid and Interoperability Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


External Links

Some of the links on this site may resolve to non-governmental agencies. The information on these pages is not controlled by the Kentucky Wireless Interoperability Executive Committee or the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
